In order to speed up digitalization of governmental services the „Onlinezugangsgesetz“ (OZG) was established in Germany. It defined almost 600 services, which by law have to be digitalized until 2022 by using e-government standards (e.g. eID).
In order to support the dissemination of serveral Applications developed at Hochschule Harz during StudIES+, HS Harz was involved on various OZG meetings with a wide array of stakeholders :
April 2019 Presentation of StudIES+ and eNotar concept by Prof. Strack at an OZG Meeting in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Berlin.
August 2019 Workshop at Minstery of Finance Saxony-Anhalt to introduce eTOR (StudIES+) and prepare a first productional usage of eTOR.
August 2019 Workshop at Minstery of Education Saxony-Anhalt to promote the usage of eNotar technology for digitalized graduation certificates within the german OZG efforts.
August 2019 Workshop with Init AG to promote the usage of the eNotar technology for the digitalization of HEI diplomas and graduation certificates within the german OZG efforts.