Our StudIES+ project started on 1 March 2018 and on 26/27 March 2018 we had the kick-off meeting over two days in Berlin.
After a round of introduction Dr. Monika Plum gave an overview of the first EU-Workshop “Taking Forward the EU Student eCard Initiative” and presented the other EU-Projects with a similar topic.
After the Governing Board was elected and other organisational topics were explained, the eight Activities were presented by the respective Activity Leaders.
The Activity Leaders have dealt with the following 5 topics:
- Summary
- Challenge
- Milestones
- Activity Goal
- and Acceptance Criterion
Afterwards time for questions was planned. The first day was rounded off with a visit to a restaurant, where the project participants could get to know each other again in a more relaxed atmosphere and exchange views on the StudIES+ project.
On the second day of our kick-off, the LOI (Letter of Interest) partners joined us. After a round of introductions and project presentation, the Universitiy of Harz and the Freie Universität Berlin presented their experiences with the university landscape and then Mr Bacharach introduced Hochschulstart.de.
Each consortium partner then explained its use cases and, within this framework, the participation of the LOI partners. Finally, we defined the common interfaces.